Image showing product carbon footprint visually

Get started with measuring your product carbon footprint

Many companies are focused on calculating the carbon footprint of their products. This may be due to regulations like CSRD or GHG, or due to customer demand. Carbon is an important factor, but is only one of several environmental impacts that need to be measured to calculate your environmental footprint.

Ecochain Mobius can help you measure your products carbon impact, and also go further in helping you find alternatives to reduce carbon.

Start Your Free Trial Discover Ecochain Mobius

What do you need to get started

Access to secondary impact data

If you have have access to CO2 impact information of your products, great! If not, you should be able to rely on software that provides you with secondary impact data.



Quickly get insights into your carbon footprint

Insights are more powerful when you have them instantly. You need to be able to calculate your carbon impact and get the data you need to share and improve your footprint.



Calculating your products carbon impact shouldn’t be expensive. You need a solution that can get you product carbon insights for a fraction of the cost when compared to expensive consultancy or legacy software.



How Ecochain Mobius can help

Model your product and its impact
Create your complete product inventory in Ecochain Mobius. Tap into the various environmental databases we offer, like Ecoinvent, by linking the product’s impact to appropriate datasets. Choose the scope of your LCA and assess the impact of your product—right from the materials and components to processes involved in the manufacturing process.



Zoom in on the hotspots
Once you model your products, dive into the impact each phase creates. You don’t need a magnifying glass to see the major contributors to your product’s environmental impact. Ecochain Mobius highlights the hotspots for you to assess and change if necessary.


Compare different products and scenarios
Incorporate iterations in your product design process. Substitute materials in your products’ composition and see if it has a lower or higher impact. You can also compare two products in your portfolio to see which one is more sustainable.


Share it with your team
Download your product’s inventory as a csv file or convert your results into a comprehensive xls file, showing all the impact categories in an overview. With Ecochain Mobius, you can get your product carbon footprint data as a beautiful PDF instantly. You can then share it with the world!


Trusted brands that started their
carbon footprint journey with Ecochain

How our customers calculated and improved their product's carbon footprint

Sustainable design

How ZeroPackaging reduced their footprint by 48%:

  • Enabling sustainable decision-making in the design phase
  • Providing customers transparency on the footprint of their packaging
  • Designing for a future with zero impact

Ecochain Mobius

With an intuitive and easy-to-use solution to create LCAs, Zeropackaging used Ecochain Mobius to integrate Ecodesign impact measurements into their design process which enabled them to test their assumptions iteratively, while comparing designs with one another.

More about Ecochain Mobius

Ecochain Mobius x Willicroft: Case Study

Discover how Willicroft – plant-based cheese and butter company, implemented ecodesign with Mobius that changed the way of product development

Read full case study
Happy Coco

How Happy Coco understood their footprint using Ecochain Mobius:

  • Life cycle assessment of entire product portfolio
  • Analysis on the biggest impact driver—transport of raw material
  • Compare their products with traditional animal-based products

Ecochain Mobius

With an intuitive and easy-to-use solution to create LCAs, Happy Coco used Ecochain Mobius to create an LCA to know with certainty where their environmental impact comes from, and how they can compensate for it.

More about Ecochain Mobius


  • What’s included in the Mobius 14-day free trial?

    The free trial allows you to find out how Mobius works. Scenarios can be built, impact datasets can be found in the LCI databases (e.g. Ecoinvent 3.8), questions can be asked to experts, and you can learn how to model and adjust a full life cycle for you product. The trials functions as a free training to learn more about LCA and environmental impact measurements. Start creating LCAs in an easy way.

    The features are the same as for the paid Mobius version(s). The only difference is the #datasets you can take from our impact (LCI) database Ecoinvent. This holds a maximum of 25 datasets in the free trial.

  • What kind of support can I get during the trial?

    Each trial includes 2×30 minute calls with one of our experts. Additionally, we have recorded several tutorial videos that give our users more information about how the tool works- and what exactly you can do with it. You can find them in our Help Center.

  • Does Ecochain provide any LCI databases within the Mobius free trial?

    The free trial, Professional, Business, and Enterprise subscription plans of Ecochain Mobius come with the LCI database Ecoinvent (versions: 3.5, 3.6, and 3.8). The Dutch NMD Bepalingsmethode is also included. The Ecochain Mobius free trial has a limit of 25 Ecoinvent datasets that can be used during the trial.

  • How can Mobius be purchased after the free trial?

    Both monthly and yearly subscriptions can be purchased via credit card or SEPA Direct Debit.

    This can be done online in Mobius or by contacting

    Yearly subscriptions can also be paid via bank transfer by contacting

  • What can you do with Mobius?
    • Identify stages or materials where additional impact can be reduced.
    • Create innovative products based on sustainable designs
    • Reduce time and energy spent on the life cycle and sustainable design research
    • Identify the environmental impact of your product early in the design process allowing ‘prevention’ rather than ‘cure’
    • Prioritise simple solutions by highlighting the most environmentally damaging processes and materials
    • Identify opportunities for innovation
    • Compare existing products with theoretical alternatives
    • Compare existing products with competitor products
    • Estimate the environmental impact of a product over its entire lifespan
    • Target specific carbon emissions of individual stages of the products life cycle
    • Tailor each individual LCA to cater to different world locations
    • Use for marketing and product eco-labeling
  • What makes Mobius different from other LCA tools in the market?

    Ecochain Mobius is LCA software developed for users with little or no LCA experience. But no worries, it can also be used by those who are more experienced in LCAs. Ecochain Mobius is simple to use, allows you to quickly get accurate results, has a broad range of use cases, and suits different industries.

Measure your product’s carbon footprint with Ecochain Mobius