Assess materials, products and components
Evaluate the environmental impact of materials like metals, various plastics, minerals, chemicals and electronic components. Via different environmental databases, access comprehensive data on the footprint associated with each material, including extraction, processing, transportation, and disposal options. Compare the impact results and identify potential new materials with lower footprints, higher recyclability or reduced toxicity.
Optimize production processes
Your production process can only be improved by constantly comparing where you are with where you were. With Ecochain’s LCA software you can assess the environmental impact of your manufacturing processes. See if the tweaks that you make to the production process and specific steps will eventually lead to more sustainable production or not.
Implement ecodesign
Embrace ecodesign in your product development process to foster sustainability. Ecodesign is an iterative process to evaluate the environmental impact of design choices upfront, which is supported by performing LCAs. By creating scenarios of your product design, you can validate your assumptions easily. Change and replace materials or components and assess the impact results instantly. Find out how using recycled content or renewable energy lowers the impact of your product.