Schreiben Sie sich für unseren 2-wöchentlichen Newsletter ein:
Geschichten von Vorreitern der Nachhaltigkeit und praktische Einblicke
wie Sie Ihre Umweltauswirkungen reduzieren können.
(Der Newsletter ist auf Englisch)
We’ve been there: There is just so much happening in the world of sustainability professionals. Regulations constantly change. Climate science brings more dramatic news every week. And on top of that, you juggle data, projects, stakeholders, and getting the buy-in from everybody in your company.
That’s why we created our bi-weekly Sustainability Update.
We translate LCA (Footprinting) methodology and the latest regulatory changes to bit-sized business information. Keep you up to date on scientific developments. Provide concrete tips and practical examples on how to use LCA tools. And share insights on how to engage your colleagues and other stakeholders with sustainability.
These are the topics you can expect:
Dive into the knowledge that you need to measure environmental footprints.
Make sure that you’re always on top of the newest regulations – and we help you to understand them.
Life on our planet is changing, and businesses need to play their role to prevent a climate disaster. Learn how!
Create awareness for sustainability in your company. Follow our tips, frameworks, and tutorials.